I found a few suggestions on how to do this online. Browsing to fonts with Nautilus and adding plugins to the system config pages and I really just want to say that's all overkill. This is what I found; it's REALLY easy to add fonts to Gnome 3.
- Open up a terminal, see if you have a ~/.fonts/ dir. If you don't make one.
- Copy new fonts into this directory.
- Congrats, you're done. Open a beer and assign some new fonts to things.
So far I've found .otf and .ttf fonts work well. .svg, .eot, and .woff don't, but there may be additional packages to make them work. So far I haven't needed to as most fonts seem to be found in the .ttf format anyway.
As a side note, I've found a lot of 100% free to use fonts (even commercially) at http://www.fontsquirrel.com I'm sure there are some other great sites out there too, but this one should get you started on your journey into font nirvana.
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