
Pulling Single DB from Mysqldump's --all-databases backup files

When backing up a MySQL DB, it's often times quick and easy to do a simple:
mysqldump --all-databases --single-transaction | bzip2 > <filename>.sql.bz2

But then someone comes along and asks you "hey, you know that one blog out of 50 that you host? Well, I messed it up and need a restore." You don't want to restore the full dump, but you know you have the data. Here's a quick way to rip out of that file, exactly what you need (after, of course, you extract it from whatever compression you use):

head -n40 $2 | sed -n '/^-- MySQL/,/^-- Current Database:/p'|grep SET > $1-dump.sql
sed -n '/^-- Current Database: `$1`/,/^-- Current Database: `/p' $2 >> $1-dump.sql
$1 = DB Requested
$2 = Input Filename
That script will leave you with a file that has the SET lines before and after the dump, as well as the contents of just the DB you're looking for. Then, just run 'mysql [database_name] < [file_name]' and you'll have your data back to what they wanted!

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