
Writing a C/C++ App run from apache

A few weeks back I started wondering on ways to improve the performance of certain areas of my site (as I do periodically) and while I came across examples of PHP compilers in their many forms, I started wondering if I should just go whole hog and write some parts of the application right in C/C++. Sure, everyone is jumping on nodejs, but I've worked in both C and C++ languages before and while it has been sometime, I thought it might be an interesting exercise to try writing some of the back end processes in either one. After all, I'm running mysql as my db, and there are mysql c headers and api, so it should be fairly straight forward. I found quickly that some of this documentation was lacking. Sure I can create a C/C++ executable that'll give me info from my DB on demand, but getting it back to the requester was being a pain. Digging around and experimenting led me to finding a few things that I'd like to share here.
int MIMEHeader() { 
     cout << "Content-type: text/html" << endl << endl << endl; 
     cout << "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\">"<<endl; 
     cout <<"<HTML xlmns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' xml:lang='en' lang='en'>" <<endl;

int main() {
     cout<<"Hello World!"<<endl;    
     return TRUE;
First off, yes, you really do need three "endl"'s on the first line. One finishes the current line and the next to tell apache you really mean that this is html and it should serve it. The next two sets up the doctype and get things ready for you to output your info. Calling this function from our main function causes things to be ready for output. In the example here, we tack on the proverbial "Hello World" example.
The next step here is to get apache to proxy the output of our program to the end user's web browser. You'll need this block in your sections affected.
<Directory "/path/your/website/x">
     AllowOverride None
     Options ExecCGI
     Order allow,deny
     Allow from all
ScriptAlias /x /path/to/your/website/x
In the example, I used /x as my subdir of compiled code. So, resolving it would be "http://example.com/x/programName".

At this point you're good to go, and boy is it FAST. In my non-exhaustive testing, a simple App involving a MySQL query takes less than 1ms more than the actual MySQL query. Obviously, your results may vary. Here's the example C++ I wrote for a start before I started adding more fancy api type features to it. I compiled it on CentOS 5.4 with stock CentOS distributed MySQL 5.1:

// Compile this using:
// g++ -o mysqltest mysqltest.cpp -L/usr/lib64/mysql -lmysqlclient -I/usr/include/mysql && ./mysqltest

#include <iostream>
#include <mysql/mysql.h>
using namespace std;
MYSQL *connection, mysql;
MYSQL_RES *result;
int query_state;
int MIMEHeader() {
cout << "Content-type: text/html"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<"<HTML><BODY><PRE>";
int Footer() { 
cout << "</PRE></BODY></HTML>";
int main() {
char * env;
connection = mysql_real_connect(&mysql,"localhost","myUs3r","myPa55word","myBookmarks",0,0,0);
if (connection == NULL) { 
cout << mysql_error(&mysql) << endl;
return 1;
query_state=mysql_query(connection,"select * from links where id like '%blogger.com';");
if (query_state!=0) {
cout << mysql_error(&mysql) << endl;
                return 1;
result = mysql_store_result(connection);
cout << "<table>"<<endl;
while  (( row = mysql_fetch_row(result)) != NULL ) {
cout << "<tr><td>" << row[0] <<"</td><td>"<< row[1] <<"</td><td>"<< row[2] <<"</td></tr>"<<endl;
cout << "</table>"<<endl;
return 0;


Adding Swap Space in Linux Without a Reboot

So, let's say you've got a server running out of memory. Not just RAM, but swap too. Now, generally, there are a few well known ways to solve this issue.

  • Close/Kill processes you don't need
  • Reboot
  • Add another swap partition
  • Buy more RAM
  • Buy more Hardware

Now, In our scenario, the first option isn't helping, the second one is just the nuclear option to the first. But we've got one huge process and it's not all active memory... it's just consuming a lot of RAM and Swap and we want it to succeed. Buying more RAM is the best idea, but this server won't take anymore, or we're not sure we'll have this workload often, so we can't justify wasting money on more hardware. We've gotta get creative before it fills up and gets OOM killed. Adding another swap partition is a great idea, but we're out of available disk partitions or drives to throw at it. However, we do have some free space on an existing partition, we can leverage that.

$ df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md2               47G   11G   35G  23% /
/dev/hda1              99M   20M   74M  22% /boot

Alright, looking at a top or vmstat, we know we've got 4GB of RAM in here, and another 2GB of swap. Knowing the size of the process, we figure doubling that swap will give us plenty of overhead at the moment. Let's do this!

$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/newswap bs=32k count=64k

65536+0 records in
65536+0 records out
2147483648 bytes (2.1 GB) copied, 18.9618 seconds, 113 MB/s

$ ls -al /newswap
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2147483648 Nov 19 23:02 /newswap
$ mkswap /newswap
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 2147479 kB
$ swapon /newswap

And that's it. A quick check should find that we now have another 2GB of swap space and a system that can breathe a little more.

Note: The size of the swap space is determined by the size of the file. 'bs' is the block size, and 'count' is the number of blocks. I generally stick to 32k or 64k block sizes and then adjust the count from there. 64k & 64k is 4GB, 64k and 128k is 8GB, etc.

Now, this won't stick after a reboot as is. If you'd like it to, I recommend changing the process a bit. It's the same until you've finished the mkswap command, after that instead of running swapon, open up the /etc/fstab in your favorite editor (vi /etc/fstab) and then add another swap line after the disk the file is on is listed like so:

/newswap         swap                    swap    defaults        0 0

Then you can run 'swapon -a' and it will mount ALL swap partitions.

Note: Swap automatically stripes across multiple swap partitions of the same priority. It might be useful to make swap partitions on multiple drives to allow for faster RAID-0 type speeds across drives!

Hope this helped someone out. I had to use it the other day and was able to save a long running process that was eating up RAM like candy. It finished a few hours after I put this fix in place. Since I don't run that process often, I simply removed the line from the /etc/fstab and the next time it rebooted, it was back to it's normal swap sizes. I then deleted the file and it was like nothing ever happened!


Cacti 0.8.8a and Plugins

Today I needed to install some plugins into my Cacti 0.8.8a install. Cacti has been a great graphing tool for many years here, and the 0.8.8a update has added a lot of cool things. One of them is the built in Plugin Architecture (Previous versions required you to install Cacti, then download the "PIA" and patch files and make manual edits to get it to work). However, being used to the old ways, I was having trouble using the "simple new way" and I didn't find much out in the wild about making it work. It really is simple! Just:
  1. Download a plugin from somewhere like Here
  2. Extract the contents of the tarball (it should make a subdirectory)
  3. Move the subdirectory to the cacti/plugins/ directory (mine is /var/www/html/cacti/plugins/)
  4. Open up Cacti in a browser
  5. If you see Plugin Management on the left, skip the next step and just go there
  6. Go to User Management, pick your user and check the box next to "Plugin Management".. refresh the page and then go to "Plugin Management" on the left menu.
  7. You should see your plugin listed. Hit the arrow down button to install it, and then the arrow right to enable it!

NOTE: The problem I had is this: The directory your plugin is in (for instance, mine was "cacti/plugins/aggregate-0.7B2") CANNOT HAVE NON-ALPHA CHARACTERS.

So, basically, I followed all of these instructions, wondered where the heck my plugin was, and started scraping through code. I finally found the line that looks for available plugins had input_validate_input_regex(get_request_var("id"), "^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$"); did I then realize, "Hey, maybe if I took that - and the . out of the filename..."

So I moved it, hit refresh on the Plugin Management page and saw my plugin appear.


PHPUnit 3.5.15 for Zend Framework ZF1 on CentOS

We're still running ZF1 here, and as the ZF2 update is no small body of work, we continue to need PHPUnit 3.5.15 in order to run our unit tests. I've found that this is not as straight forward as installing the latest version of PHPUnit (up to 3.7.24 as of this writing). It seems PHPUnit versions of 3.6+ are geared toward ZF2 development and testing and no longer work AT ALL with ZF1. So, before you think "I can just run pear install phpunit/PHPUnit, and be good!" and then bang your head against the desk trying to get it to work right, this is the sequence of commands I've gone through to install this on CentOS 5.x and 6.x hosts.

pear channel-discover pear.symfony-project.com
pear channel-discover components.ez.no
pear install --alldeps pear.phpunit.de/DbUnit-1.0.3
pear install phpunit/PHPUnit_TokenStream-1.1.5 ??
pear install pear.phpunit.de/PHPUnit_Selenium-1.0.1
pear install phpunit/File_Iterator-1.2.3
pear install pear.phpunit.de/PHP_CodeCoverage-1.0.2
pear install pear.phpunit.de/PHPUnit-3.5.15

In fact, here's a full output of running this in a terminal on a CentOS 5.10 box

[root@mydev ~]# pear channel-discover components.ez.no
Adding Channel "components.ez.no" succeeded
Discovery of channel "components.ez.no" succeeded
[root@mydev ~]# pear channel-discover pear.symfony-project.com
Adding Channel "pear.symfony-project.com" succeeded
Discovery of channel "pear.symfony-project.com" succeeded
[root@mydev ~]# pear install --alldeps pear.phpunit.de/DbUnit-1.0.3
downloading DbUnit-1.0.3.tgz ...
Starting to download DbUnit-1.0.3.tgz (39,292 bytes)
..........done: 39,292 bytes
downloading YAML-1.0.6.tgz ...
Starting to download YAML-1.0.6.tgz (10,010 bytes)
...done: 10,010 bytes
install ok: channel://pear.symfony-project.com/YAML-1.0.6
install ok: channel://pear.phpunit.de/DbUnit-1.0.3
[root@mydev ~]# pear install phpunit/PHPUnit_TokenStream-1.1.5
No releases available for package "pear.phpunit.de/PHPUnit_TokenStream"
install failed
[root@mydev ~]# pear install pear.phpunit.de/PHPUnit_Selenium-1.0.1
downloading PHPUnit_Selenium-1.0.1.tgz ...
Starting to download PHPUnit_Selenium-1.0.1.tgz (15,285 bytes)
.....done: 15,285 bytes
install ok: channel://pear.phpunit.de/PHPUnit_Selenium-1.0.1
[root@mydev ~]# pear install phpunit/File_Iterator-1.2.3
downloading File_Iterator-1.2.3.tgz ...
Starting to download File_Iterator-1.2.3.tgz (3,406 bytes)
....done: 3,406 bytes
install ok: channel://pear.phpunit.de/File_Iterator-1.2.3
[root@mydev ~]# pear install pear.phpunit.de/PHP_CodeCoverage-1.0.2
downloading PHP_CodeCoverage-1.0.2.tgz ...
Starting to download PHP_CodeCoverage-1.0.2.tgz (109,280 bytes)
.........................done: 109,280 bytes
downloading ConsoleTools-1.6.1.tgz ...
Starting to download ConsoleTools-1.6.1.tgz (869,994 bytes)
...done: 869,994 bytes
downloading PHP_TokenStream-1.2.1.tgz ...
Starting to download PHP_TokenStream-1.2.1.tgz (9,854 bytes)
...done: 9,854 bytes
downloading Text_Template-1.1.4.tgz ...
Starting to download Text_Template-1.1.4.tgz (3,701 bytes)
...done: 3,701 bytes
downloading Base-1.8.tgz ...
Starting to download Base-1.8.tgz (236,357 bytes)
...done: 236,357 bytes
install ok: channel://pear.phpunit.de/PHP_TokenStream-1.2.1
install ok: channel://pear.phpunit.de/Text_Template-1.1.4
install ok: channel://components.ez.no/Base-1.8
install ok: channel://components.ez.no/ConsoleTools-1.6.1
install ok: channel://pear.phpunit.de/PHP_CodeCoverage-1.0.2
[root@mydev ~]# pear install pear.phpunit.de/PHPUnit-3.5.15
Did not download optional dependencies: pear/XML_RPC2, use --alldeps to download automatically
phpunit/PHPUnit can optionally use package "pear/XML_RPC2"
phpunit/PHPUnit can optionally use PHP extension "dbus"
downloading PHPUnit-3.5.15.tgz ...
Starting to download PHPUnit-3.5.15.tgz (118,859 bytes)
..........................done: 118,859 bytes
downloading PHP_Timer-1.0.5.tgz ...
Starting to download PHP_Timer-1.0.5.tgz (3,597 bytes)
...done: 3,597 bytes
downloading PHPUnit_MockObject-1.2.3.tgz ...
Starting to download PHPUnit_MockObject-1.2.3.tgz (20,390 bytes)
...done: 20,390 bytes
install ok: channel://pear.phpunit.de/PHP_Timer-1.0.5
install ok: channel://pear.phpunit.de/PHPUnit_MockObject-1.2.3
install ok: channel://pear.phpunit.de/PHPUnit-3.5.15
[root@mydev ~]# phpunit --version
PHPUnit 3.5.15 by Sebastian Bergmann.

And there was much rejoicing!